Cul-de-Sac > Rue VII > Biking is tracing terrain.
Aachen Rambling

Date: 2001/10-2002/07
Location: Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
City Map
Cathedral built by Charlemagne in 9C.
UNESCO cultural heritage
Aachener Dom
City hall in the Gothic style
Spring with dolls
City gate at the northern end
Langer Turm
Tower of the fortress
Weide für Pferde
Pasture for horses
Schutzhütte im Aachener Wald
Resting spot in the Aachen Forest
Reiters im Aachener Wald
Riders in the Aachen Forest
Wiese überm Aachener Wald
Plain over the Aachen Forest
Bad in Burtscheid
Hot spring in Burtscheid
Central station
RWTH Aachen
Technical University of Aachen
Kreislauf des Geldes
Fountain "Circulation of Money"
Friedrich-Wilhelm Platz
Plaza at the city center
Trompeter im Karneval
Trumpeter in the carnival
Karussell im winter
Merry-go-round in winter
West park
Kennzeichnung für Radfahrers
Signs for bikers

Since 2002/5/18 © SAKUMA Tetsuya